The Minonk News from Minonk, Illinois (2024)

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The Minonk Newsi

Minonk, Illinois

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Aw A mnr STREATOR ILLINOIS ei in even this for a spent new Tor Sale or Trade Without Doubt It pays to trade with is visiting Streator Ill Z4 teachers to pupils There were also a number of gilts for the teachers The was nearly dead with dypepsia tried doctors visited mineral springs and grew worse 1 used Kodol Dys pepsia Cure That cured It di gests what you eat Cures indigestion sour stomach heartburn and all forms of dypepsia Zineer Minonk Evans Evans Varna marriage ceremony was performed by Bev a ville of wedding was a quiet affair only a small circle of friends being present IVE PER' CENT MONEY TO On real estate! Our Own tunds 'No elay in obtaining" the' money WiL? pay you to' see us before 'borrowing elsewhere Hodok SONS Wenona Illinois Roanoke The Economical People Trade Now The far sighted frugal housekeeper knows that now is the money saving time of the year Look well to the needs of your household now Remember we pay your fare one way for a $10 cash purchase and for a $20 pur chase a round trip ticket Dr (I Peterson enjoyed a visit from bis brother a few days last week Miss Anna Dawes has been quite ill but is convalescing The work of remodeling the Chris tian church is rapidly nearing comple tion and the first services will be held Sunday The Christmas entertainment given by the Sunday schools ot the Chnstian and Methodist churches ot this city at Park View Hall Saturday night was a The hall was crowded He ooled The Surgeon All doctors told Renick Hamilton of West Jefferson after suffering 18 months from Rectal istula he would die unless a costly operation was performed but he cured himself' with live boxes of Arnicai Salve tne surest Pile cure on Earthy and the best Salve in the cents a box Sold by Hennan Secor Learned Benson and all druggist Minonk METAMORA Joe Valentine left Monday visit at Coffeeville Kan Mrs Joseph Engle and son Sunday at Washington Issch and wife visited at Peoria Sunday Joseph Smith was in Peoria Tues day Mrs James Vickers of Sugar Grove visited Mrs Nichols last week Mrs A Robertson of Cazenovia was in town Wednesday Miss Lillie Zimmerman of Eureka visited the family of John Issch Satur day Mr reeman of Peoria was in town Monday on insurance business Henry Longenbacher has sold his sa loon to George Portman who will take possession the first of January Mrs airchild visited in Washington Wednesday Wm Kunkel and Douglas Jenoway of Low Point were Sunday callers Chas Goehring is learning the barber trade of Wm Broennle A Weber has purchased the liv ery business from Henry Helninger He took possession Wednesday Scherpfer was a business caller at Peoria Wednesday The Appetite of a Goat Is envied by all poor dypeptics whose Stomach and Liver are out of order All such should know that Dr New Life Pills the wonderful Stomach and Liver Remedy gives a splendid appetite sound digestion and a re gular bodily habit that insures perfect health and great energy 25 cents at Hennan Secor Learned Benson and all druggist Minonk room was at a premium 1 he cantata Santa Claus' Bicycle Trip" i Sutton was well rendered ana me au dience showed its appreciation by its frequent applause The decorations were tastefully arranged and the large bicycle on one side of the stage and the Christmas tree on the other side both loaded with toys and gifts presented a novel and pleasing sight Jubilee services will be held at the I Christian church next biinday Prof Radford of Eureka College will deliver the morning and evening dis courses There will be special music and special dedicational services The public is cordially invited to attend David louke of Chicago was here a few days last week placing the pews in the Christian church Mr Sheer Sedalia Mo saved bis life by One Minute Cough Cure Doctors had given her up to die with croup an infallible cure for coughs colds grippe pneumonia bronchits and throatand lung troubles Relieves at once Zinser Minonk? Evans Evans Varna Tohic is the link that picks up the vital force of man run down state and binds him to health and strength by recuperating the Brain regulating the action of the heart and nourishing the Nervous System Clark Peoria 111 says Sur geons wanted to operate on me for piles but I cured them with Witch Hazel It is infallible for piles and skin disease Beware of counterfeits Zinser Minonk Evans Evans Varna be persuaded into taking some thing said to be just like Rocky Moun tain Tea nothing made or sold like it It alone is won der More business men lose fortunes and social standing by ill health than all else combined Rocky Mountain Tea will bring health and prosperity It takes but a minute to overcome tickling in the throat and to stop a cough by the use of One Minute Cough Cure This remedy quickly cures all forms of throat and lung troubles Harmless and pleasant to take It prevents consumptions A famous spectic for grippe and its after effects Zinser Minonk Evans Evans Varna Hoarseness leads on to serious irr tation of throat and may end in a racking rasping cough Dr Pine Tar IIoney will qmckly clear the throat and leave the voice clear and smooth It is an infallible remedy for coughs and colds and all disorders of the throat and lungs A man that wants his wife to tremble with pleasure and delight at his home coming should be strong Rocky Mountain Tea brings new life to weak men Mrs niirC(lllJ vu DOJO Our baby was covered Wit11 running' sores Witch Hazel Salve cured her epecfic wr piles and skin diseases Beware pf worthless counterfeits 3 ZinSer Minonk Evans Evans JVarnaA women everywhere owa their matchless loveliness Withe use of Rocky Mountain tea Plain women made attractive Ask youfr druggist GOOD UNENCtiMBBKD WESTERN' LANIl nicely located good soil will bear insio tlon Will trade for livery stock or work horses or for a stock of merchandise Address HAZARD 4 DOUBET CO! 208 Jefferson ave eorla Western Drop Head sewing machine for some time in this vicinity visiting rela tives and friends Robert Ward returned Thursday from Eu eka College and is spending the holidays with relatives Mrs William Roe spent Christmas at the home of her parents ter Mor tenson and wife of Lostant The Germans held their Chrisjmas exercises in the Lutheian Inn eh lues day evening They were well attended Rev ather Bobkiewicz was in We nona and Minonk on Monday Miss Bertha Ensign ot Knox Col lege is spending the holidays with her De Little Risers purify th blood clean the liver invigorate the system amous little pilis for con stipation and liver troubles Zin ar Minonk Evans Evana Vara a AJall at Cole Brothers when in Bloom inglbu and investigate the liberal offer they make to out of town patrons a a 1 represent an unlimited amount fer rates are" as low i t'll west and wemake terms to suit borrower Loans Closed In a Time when title is perfect Ask us for rates five years succesful business without loss or foreclosure of mortgage Thompson A Son Lscon III John Graffelman went to Peoria Tay4 Bohrer and family of visaed het parents returning home Mf'liday Ijk'ioi Hckard was a caller Tues day 'i erwn' Boyce and wife'of Barton vi) vn Hv their parents Mr and Mrs Re liken Joseph Buckler went to Peoria Tues day? Loyd and Reta Memmen Minonk spent a few days with relatives Ijere this week 7 Miss Lillian Morrison of Nlinonk was in tiwn Monday 7 Miss Evens went to El day Miss Howell went to Chicago Satur day Miss Genevieve Hanson? is visiting tier sister Mrs David Miss Minnie Wiechman of Minonk visited her brother Henry a few days this week The Reglin family are reported much better Sletta Huxtable is very low at this writing i Henry Kindig and wife are visiting 1 their son Theodore Misses Tallyn and Jones are visiting Benson friends Lon Tallyn is spending his vacation at home Hattie Meischner' is entertaining some lady friend The Christmas services at all the churches were good and well attended Mr Camper of Roanoke visited his parents Tuesday Meils went to Minonk Satur day Sherman school enjoyed a Christmas tree Saturday night several from here attended Mr Milton Brubaker returned from school riday Mr Turner is spending his vacation with friends in Kappa Maurice Lee of Hoopsten 111 is spending a few days with his brother ute Lee Messrs Brachtor loor i rank Harms and red Theilen went to Chi cago Tuesday evening i John Rewerts returned to his home in Lee county Monday 1 Mrs Backer entertained a few young 1 people Wednesday evening Mrs Huxtable and family of Meta mora are visiting relatives here Wednesday morning Stella the oldest daughter of James and Nora Huxtable passed away after a long ana painiui illness The funeral took place ri day at 10 Lon Jeter is not quite so well again Oscar Ricketts and family of Peoria visited his parents a few days week Olorlou New Comes" from Dr Cargile of Wash*ta'! He writes: bottles of Electric Bitters has cured Mrs Brewer of scrofula which had caused her great suffering for years i Terrible sores woijld break out on her head and face and the best doctors could give no help but hrcijre is com plete and her health is This shows that thousands have proved' that Electric Bitters is the best blood purifier known the supreme remedy for eczema tetter salt rheum ulcers boils and running sores It stimulates liver kidneys and bowels expels poisons 'helps digestion builds up the strength Only 5t) cents Sold by Hitman Secor Learned Benson and 'all druggist Minonk Druggi ts Guaranteed 1 A neglected cold is an all embracing 'cause of disease It clogs the lungswith mucus It strains and breaks down the lungs tissue Dr Bell's Pine Tar Honey is an unfailing cure for coughs and colds It rebuilds the tis sues and gives strength to the lungs by supplying the blood with fat forming i oxygen Good druggist sell it LA ROSE Mr and Mrs Rood celebrated Christ mas with their parents in Minonk Wm Iliff and wife of Peoria expect to entertain a very large company at their home on Wednesday It will be the occasion of a family reunion and a number from here are invited Mrs Walcott went to Peoria last week on a visit to her daugnter Mrs Julia Hull Charles Hull of Peoria was a caller in town Sunday George Cunningham bought the house and lot from Harpei from which Mr Carlson recently moved Mr Cunningham moved in on Thursday Mrs Kate Bell spent two days of la week in Lacon Paul Howell who ha1 had the whooping cough for the past four weeks was threatened with pneumonia last week qut at present he is rapidly improving Mrs Eva Cavey and Miss Lulu Cavey of Chicago are spending the holidays with relatives here John De Vault was a business caller in Peoria Saturday red Morrow was injured consider ably by falling from a hay mow last Thursday He received several bad bruises but nothing more serious Misses Anna Zilm and Alma Stue bing are enjoying the holidays in Chi cago Miss Green of Chicagfy is the guest of her friend Mrs Will ififf Rufus Porch of Lee cofinty was a caller in town last week Miss Irene Ling of Minie this week with her sister Iks Howell Heenan cos Odds and ends of Silks for waists ana trimiiiiugs tol yard ROANOKE Mrs Claus DeWilde visited at Mi nonk Tuesday of last week 1 Mike Mangold returned Tuesday evening from his'tounthrough Kansas Born to Harry Bishop and wife the 19th a son Edward Campell returned from Ma homet Tuesday Gish is again among home boys returning from Amboy Wednesday ohn Guntinhauser spent several days in Chicago last week He intends returning from farming and will make his abede in the metropolis soon Lawyer Radford and red isch were business callers Wednesday John Collins of Colfax is back' to spend the winter season with his I brother Tim John McCauley wife and Morris Robinson left Tuesday for Koshkonong Missouri The teachers ot the public school are spending the holidays at their res pective homes The Royal Neighbors elected otlicers for the year 1900 Tuesday evening i Mrs Lizzie Jeter son John and Mrs Chas Jeter left Tuesday of last week for an extended visit in Louisiana Miss Lena Karl was a Peoria shoper several days last week Joseph Zimmermann of this town ship and Miss Anna Stepyin of Meta mora were married at the home of the TOLUCA George Aitkens of Streator visited at home with his parents over Sun day Prof McCall spent Christmas in Peoria with friends lanagan wife and daughter Grace of Dana visited the sit ter Mrs Robt Marshall Sunday The social dance given by the young people Monday night Dec 25 was quite a success White bf New York moved hie family here this week Mr White will work at the mines Benedict of Galesburg was a business caller in town Saturday Mrs James Hines of Dana spent Sunday with her daughter Mrs Robt Marshall Jim arley of Spring Valley spent Christmas at home with his parents Wm Underwood and wife spent a few days in the country with Mr parents forget the Grand Ball' Jan 1 1900 given by the of A I Annther irreat discovery has1 been madeand that too by lady in this country fastened its catches upon her on for seven years she with stood its severest tests but her vital organs were undermined and death seemed imminent or 'three months she coughed incessantly ahd could pot sleep She finally discovered a way to recovery by purchasing of us a bottle of Dr New Discovery for Con sumption and" was so much relieved on taking first dose that she slept all 4 night and with two bottles has been absolutely cured" Her name is Luther "Thus writes Hamnick Co of Shelby Trial bottles tree at C' Hennan Secor Learned Benson and all druggists Minonk" Regular size 50c and 8100 Ever bottle guaranteed As Winter Necessities Press upon you those things that produce comfort and warmth is a foremost though v1 dana: Pres Kelley was a Minonk caller 'Henry sale was quite well attended Will Keonsgen and wife visited at John Tuesday Steven ulton of Grand Ridge is here visiting his patents Mrs Olmsted visited in Long Point Sunday There was a dance at Klends Saturday night They will soon move to Pontiac Irwin Montgomery and wife visited relatives Sunday Miss Katie Albers of Pontiac is vis iting at the home of Henry Koensgen at present Mrs Lizzie Loudon is staying with Mrs Wright Will Swift and family are visiting at Eureka Miss Jennie Reiley of Whiteside county is visiting here Mr Young was a Streator calfer on Thursda'y A dance will be given at the opera house New night Will moved to his new home Tuesday Steve Hughes left Monday evening for his old home in the south part ot the state A great many took poultry to the Wenona poultry show last week Will Winans got fourth premium on Black Langshans scoring 184 Second on hen scoring 92J co*ckerel 88J Third on Black Langshan hen scoring 20 birds competing McHenry second premium on silver spangled Hamburg hen score 93 ourth on White Plymouth Rocks all young stock 194 points weight added He had the highest scoring white Ply mouth Rock pullet in the 95 points weight added 57 birds compet ing Quite a crowd attended the Christ mas entertainment Monday evening There was a ae bate at the school house Sunday evening that the twentieth century begins Jan 1 solved that it began in 1900" On the I affirmative were Bernice Cooper Ivy Montgomery Maud Cooper and Reuben Dykes The negative was supported bv Bob McHenry Orville Marshall Clyde Greenley and Roy Martin The judges A Lesman Sauer and Johtlriie Simpkins gave the desi sion to the negatives The people here were surprised on Christmas to learn that John Cooper and Maud arley were married August 28 Springfield The secret was only known by a few relatives Zimmermann spent Monday and Tuesday at Peoria A Hubbell and wife were Peoria visitors Monday evening Ludwig spent Christmas with home folks at Secor Robt Ennengaw of Nebraska is a guest of John Moritz and family at present Jacob Benninger left Wednesday for his native land Switzerland Chris Clandin and wife spent Christ mas with Cox and family near airbury Christmas entertainments were given at school No 3 and 6 riday evening Long and interesting pro grams were rendered The Methodist Sunday school pupils were given their usual gift Sunday afternoon i Jones and wife spent Christ mas with Minonk relatives Mr Leo Linenthal of Norton spent Christms with the family of A Rose nak and Szold Christmas services were held by ather Bethrand at the Catholic church with morning mass The evening was devoted to a very fitting program at the church Those of our observation who are spending Christmas week at home are: Isaac Nickiin of Pontiac Miss Bessie Wolfe of Normal Benj Belsley of Quincy Daniel James of Wenona El mer Ruble of McCook Wheel wright of Metamora Utis Darling of El Paso Amos Belsley of Peoria Mrs A Delorneof Orchard Mines Mrs: Valentine and daughter of El Paso red Alsopp and family' of Pontiac are guests of relatives this week Miss Katie Gongloff of Metamora is visiting this week with A Elb'ert and family August Schuller and family spent Christmas with Claussen and family Born to Julius Macquet and wife the 23d a son Among thop who spend Christmas abroad were: incham and family at Towando Harms and family at Washington August Maeser at Mt Pulaski Alex Pettigrew at Bloomington John England at Peoria Mrs Belsley children and Miss Dora Hoshor at Spring Bay Hauser and family at Norton Mrs viauum ani children at Pontiac Miss Nora Capron at Chicago Mrs Dr Zinser at Washington Mike Scott at Joliet in Nickiin at Bloomington Husseman and wife at Dana Gerber and wife at Healey During Saturday night the wind blew down one of the braces on the new kiln at the brick yard letting the arch roof fall to the ground Christmas afternoon in the parlors of the Grant Hotel at Peoria occured the marriage of Miss lorence Van Aistine of Greene township and Mr Willis McCord of A Liberul Offer When in 'Bloomington go to Cole Brothers and purchase your dry goods cloaks end carpets and have our rail road fare paid from points within a radius of 40 miles on all puicliases of $25 or more arm or Sale Near Rutland A 100 acre farm for sale Well Im proved' Situated within one mile of Inquire of Thomas Patton Rutland III' It fills the arteries with rich' red blood makes ue Ws flesh healthy men and women what Rocky Mountain Tea will do 35 cents jl (Itillillt of odds and end dress ma terials for dresses ladies waists and skirts all colors and weights A XTT T'K TTNC deciaea success me nau ODDO ANU rllNUo to the outer doors and even standing and her friend Cora Bel I Sheis ac eompanled by her brother Mrs lorence Bell was Streator i last week visiting with her brother Bruce Harris and family Their young est child is dangerously ill with spinal affliction and is not expected tore cover' i Miss Dell Allen is spending a few weeks in town Chas Younger of Chicago visited on Christmas with his sister Mrs John De Vault oster of Streator was visiting old friends in town Saturday Miss Georgia Gibbs went to her home in Lacon Saturday to spend Christmas The Methodist and Presbyterian Sun day schools each treated their mem bers Sunday morning with candy nuts and oranges The Germans had a tree and treat for their school in the even ing which called forth a large attend ance They also had a program T( first debate was given by the La Rose Society last Tuesday evening This young society has come to stay all winter and promises to furnish en tertainment and instruction on each Tuesday evening The school gave a delightful Christ mas entertainment riday evening The exercises were held in the lower room which had been prettily decor ated by the children with evergreen strung pop corn and pictures There were two small taper lighted trees Unde's parents Wednesday which bore iruit and the treat from MissRebecca Young spend this week witti her brother Jacob at Pekin Urn ('has Stainhurffer of Chenoa good showing careini paim umB and Wednes preparation I dav WENONA I A Venue had a new lire proof sale Ralph Weston was home over Sun set in his jewelry stoie Wednesday day Aldine ranks and family of Lost Nick Marland returned to his home I Nation Iowa are expected to return at Centralia Saturday Miss Esther Oliver was a Streator visitor Tuesday Walter Scott is enjoying a two weeks layoff Chas Mitchell is working his place Jim Colligan of Manson Iowa visiting Wenona friends Charles Iliff of Washburn was town Wednesday Miss Nellie Argubright of Streator I lnb plI urdiiv at that hamlet with har nATRnts upciiv uhumuj Win Richter and wife returned to their home in Anneta Iowa after a I visit with Wm lautand wife Ernest Webber of Denver Colorado visited at the home of Milton Webber the latter part of the week I Joe Brenner spent Sunday gt Earl ville Mrs A Whitney of Lostant was in Wenona Wednesday Johnson Brown returned Tuesday from a visit at Pekin Jacob Kemp returned from his Penn sylvania visit last riday At the last regular meeting ern Leaf Camp MW A elected the fol lowing officers: Venerable Consul James Parrett Worthy Advisor Judd Banker Moulton Clerk A Stateler Escort Burt Human Watchman oster Sentry Ong Physicians Drs Oliver ogg and Dunham Otis Chalfant and wife of Sac City Iowa are visiting relatives Misses Street Wright Moulton and Smith were in Streator Saturday Mr Sutton of Rutland was in town Saturnay Wm Keefe was in Streator the first of the week James summers Harry Ellison and George Sullivan were Minonk callers Sunday 7' Mouser has returned from his business trip to Missouri Rube Wilson and A Thierry de parted Monday a visit with re latives in Kansas harles Mitchell went to Decatur the fust ol the week Mrs A Beecher uand Miss Lena Jones were Streator callers last Thurs day Mrs Ellison returned home Saturday from a visit with Minonk relatives Mrs Thomas Dixon left Tuesday for Oklahoma to make hqr son John a visit Gants was Garfield caller I Saturday Miss Anna Gunning Tyre Mich save suffered a long time from dys pepsia lost flesh and became very week 'i i nrntnrUa Cure nnmnlrfplv rtirpil me" It digests what you eat and) cures ail forms of stomach trouble It never fails to give immediate relief in the worse cases Zinser Mi nonk Evans Evans yarna Mrs Churchill Berlin Vt says I to' this locality in the near future John Mueser and Henry Sand at tended the Molitor shooting match east of Secor Wednesday Samuel Tincher spent from Tuesday till Saturday a Peoria visitor is I John Gray spend Vednesday I tmr in MptHinnra in Adolph aux and Miss Zella Beha I relle of Orchard Mines formerally of i this were united in marriage Sat Hnnplptfps Canton lan nel Percales Ginghams under the musical direction of U'll Minrl QtlI till Outing lannel all at clearing nrirps i heavy fleece lined hose 15c a pair 69c extra heavy fleece lined underwear 49c each entra heavy 25c Wool ascinators 29c each All wool flannel plaids for waists wrappers and chil dresses 29c a yard Big lot of felt boot combinations sizes 11 12 1 3 1 and 2 We have sold them for $175 but have too many so down they go to 98c Handsome 5 foot Wilton rugs $1 each :1 RUTLAND f1' Mrs John Mackay visited in Mintmk last week Scheref was a caher from To luca Sunday evening Mrs Thomas Patton has gone tc the southern states where she will probably spend the remainder of the winter ow ing to ill health Guy Bodger was 1 a Wenona visitor last Wednesday Prof Swift spent his lacation at his home in Eureka Mrs Chas Rohrer and little daugh ter Carta visited at Wenona Monday Miss annie Mateer visited from Saturday until riday with relatives and irienda in Mt Palatine Dr Peterson spent a feu flays of this week in Chicago Dell Golder and family spent Christ mas with relatives near Toluca Miss Ara Larne is spending the holi days with relatives at Aetna George Watts of Dana attended the annual IOO supper heie last Tues day evening Miss Metta Dolen of Lostantis a I guest of her brother George Miss Mae Thierry ol Wenona spent a few days this week vi iting Misses Myrtle and rankie Quaintuuee Mrs Robert Cheeseman as 111 nonk riday James Clifford is heie calling on old fripnda offer at this season of the Lewi8 Record and Wile returned i i year With invoicing in the day from Centralia and will spend near future and A Large Winter Stock on Hand That must be cleared in the next few weeks Surely here if anywhere is the place to trade The popular stylish Gre pons regular price 1 now 75c a yard MM Our Splendid StockM Again appeals to you and invites you to participate in the bargains we alone can A 1 i A Tilffi 1 ft!.

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Author: Duncan Muller

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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.