Sea of Thieves Riddles Guide (2024)

Welcome to our (Work in Progress) collection of Gold Hoarder riddles guide for Sea of Thieves!

Below you’ll find a list of islands and landmarks used in Sea of Thieves riddles. Over time we hope to have each landmark and rock painting used in Gold Hoarder voyages link to a guide.

In each guide you’ll find images, maps and sometimes video to help you navigate your way to the treasure. Click the Island name below to expand out the potential clues you’re looking for.

If you come across a riddle clue we do not have here, feel free to leave a comment or fire a cannonball to us on Twitter

Become a pirate legend by learning how to solve the tricky riddles of the Tall Tales.

Happy sailing!


Ashen Reaches in the Devil’s Roar

  • Buoy
  • Burning torch high to the North
  • Campfire
  • Cave of Bones to the North
  • Explorer’s Remains in the North Cave
  • Fisherman’s Long Forgotten Wares
  • Forgotten Rowboat
  • Greedy Looter’s Remains
  • Lone Boarpost
  • Mutinous Pirate
  • Parrot
  • Rock Passage Between the Boarposts
  • Scarecrow
  • South Cave’s Bone Shrine
  • Unfortunate Adventurer at the West Pool
  • Warning Post to the East
  • Withered tree to the North West
  • Wooden Jetty
  • Eruption

Cannon Cove

  • Campfire Near the Cave
  • Fallen Climber
  • Forbidden Tomes
  • Forgotten Castaway
  • Giant’s Stone
  • Impaled Adventurer
  • Unfortunate Explorer By Rowboat
  • Monstrous Foe

Crescent Isle

  • Anglers Camp on the North East Beach
  • Grassy Outcrop Atop the Cavern Mouth
  • Headless Traveler
  • Hidden Storage Chamber
  • Lonely Lookout
  • Narrow Rocky Pass
  • Rockpool Waterfall
  • Scarecrow
  • Shooting Range
  • Sun Starved Palm Tree
  • Tallest Tree at the Highest Point
  • Unfortunate Angler
  • Warning Skulls
  • Water Well
  • Five Barnacled Pots

Crook’s Hollow

  • Cave Entrance Beneath the Rickety Bridge
  • Cavern Campfire
  • Cavern Entrance Hidden in the North Jungle
  • Cavern Entrance on the South East Beach
  • Great stone mouth in the bay
  • Highest Point
  • Rock Stairway
  • Small Stone Mouth in the Bay
  • Stone Head
  • Tunnel Atop the Wooden Staircase
  • Twin Palms Sandbank
  • Weathered Pier
  • Call of the Trumpets
  • Duelling Crabs
  • Endless Lizard
  • Hooks In Cave
  • Hooks
  • Lone Painted Crab
  • Painted Fire
  • People Running
  • Scarab/Beetle
  • Spears
  • Sun
  • Two Pincers
  • Watcher
  • Cavern Camp’s Forgotten Prisoner

Devil’s Ridge

  • Ancient Kraken Chamber
  • Boar Shrine
  • Caged Explorer
  • Cavern Opening Hidden by Tears
  • Chamber of Stalactites
  • Devil’s Tears
  • Highest Peak
  • Impaled Explorer
  • Mysterious Cave Waterfall
  • Overgrown Entrance
  • Stone Head
  • Battle of the Boar on the South Grassy Slope
  • Boars Trekking Through the South Grove
  • Legendary Lone Hunter
  • Monstrous Sea Legend
  • Painted Fire on the South West Beach
  • Painted Spears
  • Sun
  • Trumpeters atop the rocks of the East coast
  • Wild Boar Head
  • Boulder Crushed Explorer

Discovery Ridge

  • At the rock pool on the beach shaded by stone
  • Camp Fire
  • Castaway’s Remains
  • Collapsed Monolithic Head to the South
  • Hidden cave on the West beach
  • Rock Pass Guarded by Sea Life
  • Rock pass through the small island to the West
  • Source of the River Stream
  • Watcher Made of Stone
  • Arrow Felled Pirate in the West Narrow Crevasse
  • Dawn of the Mermaid
  • Mermaid Gatekeepers
  • Mermaid Savior
  • Painted Heavens
  • Seahorse
  • Stingray
  • Sunstone on the small atoll to the West
  • Worship
  • Wrath of the Siren

Fetcher’s Rest

  • Burning Torch
  • Cook’s West Abandoned Cart
  • East Abandoned Stash
  • Hanging Cage Tree
  • Lookout Point Over North East Seas
  • Lookout Point
  • Monstrous Skull
  • North East Fishing Camp
  • North West Shrine of the Sea in Walls of Stone
  • Ramshackle camp to the West
  • Scarecrow
  • Strange Three Skulls
  • West Campfire
  • West gate up high
  • Painting of the First Eruption
  • Tale of the Fire Tree Painted on Rock
  • Three Skulls Marked on Rock
  • Campfire to the North East

Flintlock Peninsula

  • Anchor Resting at the Shipwreck
  • Barnacled Pots
  • Broken Jetty
  • Burning Beacon
  • Burning Skull Grave
  • Campfire
  • Cave’s Monstrous Skull Shrine
  • Grave Adorned With Twin Candles
  • Grave of the Snake
  • Lone Wrecked Rowboat
  • Long Abandoned Shipwreck
  • North East Graveyard
  • Ramshackle Camp
  • Remains of the Rare Fish
  • Shipwreck’s Captain’s Cabin
  • Shores of the South Crystal Pool
  • South West Scarecrow
  • Three Abandoned Rowboats
  • Three Skull Post
  • White Flag

Kraken’s Fall

  • Castaway’s Camp
  • Excavated Treasure Chest
  • Highest Tree
  • Hunter’s Grave
  • Impaled Remains
  • Kraken Skeleton
  • Kraken Skeleton
  • Kraken Skeleton
  • Kraken Skeleton
  • Monstrous Jaw on the West Shore
  • Overgrown Giant Backbone to the East
  • Poisoned Pirate by Murky Pool
  • Scarecrow
  • Skull Pile near the South East wooden barricades
  • Tattered Flagpole
  • Three Skulled Totem
  • Wrecked Rowboat
  • X on the Shores

Lone Cove

  • Battered Rowboat
  • Beloved Boar
  • Captain’s Hammock
  • Coastal Cave
  • Grave Adorned With Rope
  • Graves
  • Hilltop Campfire
  • Lone Rock
  • Rowboat
  • Rum Lover’s Grave
  • Scarecrow
  • Settler’s Campfire
  • Skull of the Candlemaker
  • Sloped Rocky Path on the North East Beach
  • Swordsman’s Stony Grave
  • Tip of the South Beach

Marauder’s Arch

  • Anchor
  • Barrel Cart
  • Cursed Skull Shrine
  • Edge of Sinkhole
  • Flag
  • Kraken Skeleton
  • Overloaded Rowboat
  • Rocky Pass Between Two Beaches
  • Roots of the Fallen Tree to the North
  • Rope Covered Grave
  • Scarecrow
  • Shooting Range
  • Smuggler’s Camp
  • Three Skulled Totem
  • Tunnel on the South West Shores
  • Washed Up Buoy
  • Withered tree rock

Mermaid’s Hideaway

  • Abandoned Birdcage
  • Anchored Captive
  • Cache of Rum up High to the North West
  • Caged Prisoner’s Remains
  • Camp Near Mermaid’s Lagoon
  • Climber’s Descent
  • Deserted Isle
  • Drunken Sailor
  • Fallen Adventurer
  • Old Settlement
  • Perilous Timber Bridge
  • Rocks Perched Above Mermaid’s Lagoon
  • Rowboat
  • Scarecrow
  • Siren’s Arch
  • Warning Skulls/Thrice Skulled Totem

Old Faithful Isle

  • Ancient Shipwreck
  • Boar Shrine
  • Entwined Trees
  • Fort Gatehouse
  • High Murky Pool
  • Highest Watchtower
  • Lonely Isle
  • Monstrous Skull
  • Old Faithful Arch
  • Platform Flanked by Burning Fires
  • Prisoner’s Cage
  • Shipwreck’s Anchor
  • Skull Pile
  • Washed Up Buoy
  • White Flag
  • Wrecked rowboat to the North
  • Tale of the Shark

Plunder Valley

  • Bridge Beneath the Waterfall
  • Cave Mouth Looking to the North West Sea
  • Colossal Bird Shrine In Cave
  • Colossal Stone Bird
  • Eagle Peak
  • Large Shipwreck
  • Marooned Crew’s Remains Along Canyon Pass
  • Skull Shrine
  • Stone Beacon
  • Stone Gate
  • Stone Guardian of Canyon Pass
  • Tunnel Mouth at the center of Canyon Pass
  • Tunnel Mouth looking out to the South seas
  • Wrecked Rowboat
  • Ancient Bear and Bird
  • Bat
  • Bird Attack
  • Eagle Hunter
  • Fire
  • Mark of the Blood Red Hand
  • Painted Butterfly
  • Painted Feathers/Four Feathers
  • Scarab/Beetle
  • Spear Thrower
  • Sunstone
  • Three Triangles Line
  • Triangle Above Lines
  • Triangle Under Lines
  • Trumpeters in the shadowof the West peak
  • Watcher

Ruby’s Fall

  • Adventurer Protecting Her Loot
  • Bone Tree
  • Campfire
  • Crushed Explorer
  • Discarded Anchor
  • Flag
  • Lost Soul
  • Makeshift Camp
  • North Scarecrow
  • North Warning Post
  • Perilous Plank Walk
  • Remains of the Cave Dweller
  • Remains of the Parrot/Parrot’s Remains to the North West
  • Rickety Bridge
  • Rum Stash
  • Scribe’s Retreat
  • Shallow Grave
  • Steaming Pot near the West Shores
  • Torch Atop the South East Rock
  • Painted Tale of Three Skulls Consumed by Fire

Sailor’s Bounty

  • Balancing Rocks
  • Crossed Palms
  • Derelict Barrel Cache
  • Dry Ground Behind the Waterfall
  • Hammock
  • High Point Overlooking the Rocky Stream in Walls of Stone
  • Lost Explorer Near the Stream’s Source
  • Lost Explorer in the Shrine Chamber
  • North Cave Entrance in the Sinkhole
  • North East Cave Entrance in the Sinkhole
  • Rowboat
  • Shrine Chamber
  • Source of the Stream
  • Tallest of the Four Rocks on the far West Island
  • Torn Galleon Flagpole
  • Wooden Bridge Over Cascading Waters

Sailors’ Bounty

  • Anchor
  • Camp
  • Cursed Skull Piles
  • Deserted Beach Fishing Camp
  • Lost Traveller’s Beach Camp
  • Shipwreck

Shark Bait Cove

  • Barnacled Chests
  • Entrance to Shark Bait Cave
  • Fisherman’s Grave
  • Fishing Camp
  • High ground atop the watery tunnel
  • Looted Stores
  • Rowboat
  • Rumrunner’s Cache
  • Shark Statue on the East Outer Ring
  • Shark Statue on the North Outer Ring
  • Shark Statue on the South Outer Ring
  • Shark Statue on the West Outer Ring
  • Shark Statue
  • Skull Summoning Totem
  • Stone Beacon
  • Waterfall on the South East Outer Ring
  • Attacking Shark
  • Black Shark Worship
  • Black Shark
  • Feeding Shark
  • Painted Adventurous Divers
  • Painted Crab
  • Seahorse
  • Seashell Rock
  • Shark Hunt
  • Sorrowful Tale of Pirates
  • Spearfisherman
  • Stingray
  • Sunstone
  • Three Fishermen
  • Twin Fish boulder
  • Twin Red Sharks Inside Shark Bait Cave

Shipwreck Bay

  • Anchor
  • Bird Cage In Captain Pendragon’s Quarters
  • Blackwyche Shipwreck
  • Blackwyche’s Mainmast
  • Bowspirit of the Legendary Ship The Blackwyche
  • Caged Remains
  • Crossed Rib Bones in the Shadow of the Largest Peak
  • Highest Peak
  • Kraken Bones
  • Perilous Collapsed Foremast of The Blackwyche
  • Portrait of the Legendary Captain Pendragon
  • Remains of the Sea Monster
  • Scarecrow
  • Skull Pile
  • Washed Up Buoy

Smuggler’s Bay

  • Abandoned Supplies
  • Barrel Maker’s Grave
  • Bell at the Wooden Ruins on the East Beach
  • Bell at the Wooden Ruins on the North Beach
  • Cage of the Escaped Prisoner
  • Campfire at the Large North West Camp
  • Camp
  • Cliffside Stony Grave
  • Clifftop Plank
  • Clifftop Signal Post
  • Drunken Sailor
  • Dusty Ground Beneath the Hanging Prisoner
  • Entrance to Smuggler’s Cavern
  • Forgotten Birdcage
  • Grassy Cliffs Above Smuggler’s Cavern
  • Hammock
  • Hermit Campfire
  • Parrot Keepers Final Resting Place
  • Rowboat
  • Rowboat
  • Shaded Library
  • Smuggler’s Bridge
  • Smuggler’s Spring
  • South Survivor’s Camp
  • Tip of the North Beach
  • Treasure Seeker
  • Warning Skulls
  • Wooden Ruins on the East Beach

Snake Island

  • Flagpole Bearing a Tattered Flag
  • Gunpowder Cave
  • Secluded Beach of the West Island
  • Stone Beacon
  • Stone Serpent
  • Three Tallest Palms
  • Warning Skulls/Three Skull Warning
  • Battletoads
  • Great Snake God Overlooking the Beach
  • Lizards
  • Lone Turtle memorial
  • Narrow Passage Guarded by Snake Heads
  • Red Flower
  • Roaring Flame
  • Spilled Cup
  • Sun
  • Three Fighting Snake

The Crooked Masts

  • Anchor at Kraken Slayer’s Grave
  • Ancient Bridge Between the Peaks
  • Barrel Cart
  • Bell
  • Cavern
  • Dead Tree
  • Drunken Grave Digger
  • Gallows
  • North West grave of the Kraken’s prey
  • Open Cave High on the Tallest Peak
  • Skull Shrine
  • White Flag
  • Lone Painted Tentacle
  • Spear Fighting Tentacles
  • Stormy Kraken Fight
  • Tale of the Storm
  • Three Painted Tentacles

The Devil’s Thirst

  • Campfire to the North
  • Jaws of Legend to the North
  • North Hanging Cage
  • Ramshackle Shelter
  • Rowboat
  • Secret Drinking Spot
  • Shelter Beneath the Shipwreck
  • Uknown Looter’s Remains to the North
  • Warning Skulls
  • Wheel Wreckage
  • White Canopy
  • Wrecked Anchor
  • Painted Flaming Tree to the North

The Sunken Grove

  • Campfire at Fishing Camp
  • Campfire in the Cave Near the Lowest Point
  • Fishing Camp
  • Hangman’s Tree
  • Hidden Grove at the Lowest Point
  • Monstrous Fangs
  • Monstrous Remains
  • Mutinous Arch
  • Opened Treasure
  • Pond at Bottom
  • Scarecrow
  • Three Skull Totem
  • White Flag
  • Wild Boar Grave
  • Wrecked Rowboat

Thieves’ Haven

Sea of Thieves Riddles Guide (1)

  • Abandoned Tipis
  • Ancient Diving Plank
  • Bone Scarecrow
  • Bridge Above the Inner Twin Waterfalls
  • Bridge Beside the Waterfall
  • Excavator’s Grave
  • Last Crewmate
  • Narrow Stone Pathway Atop the Island
  • Outside Bridge
  • Overgrown Hut
  • Passage Between the Hanged Thieves
  • Point Where Four Pathways Meet
  • Ramshackle Gates
  • Shattered Bridge Across Haven Arch
  • Stone Beacon
  • Stone Head Cliff Face
  • Survivor’s Camp
  • Thieves Rockpool Atop the Island
  • Three Colossal Stone Heads
  • Twin Heads Atop the Stone Steps
  • Waterfall
  • Ancient Beast’s Roar
  • Butterfly Lookout
  • Eagle’s Passage
  • Hooks
  • Hunters Tale
  • Mermaid
  • Painted Heavens Up High
  • Piñata
  • Red Eyed Parrot
  • Rock Marked with Spears
  • Scarab/Beetle on the inner pathway
  • Sea Turtle Rock
  • Snake
  • South West tunnel guarded by a Stone Watcher
  • Spearfisherman
  • Sunstone
  • Three Triangle Line
  • Thrice Marked Crabs
  • Twin Fish boulder

Wanderer’s Refuge

  • Collapsed Stone Remains
  • Flag
  • Grave Adorned With Rope
  • Grave Robber
  • Grave
  • Lookout Bell
  • Mutinous Snake’s Lonely Shallow Grave
  • Narrow Rocky Tunnel
  • Pirate’s Graveyard
  • Pond
  • Stone Foundations at the North East beach
  • Wanderer’s Well
  • Wandering Lovers Grave
  • Wrecked Rowboat

Daniel Ryan

Daniel 'Sheriff Dan' Ryan is a long time Dungeon Master who has worked in Esports, Marketing, and writes about Gaming when the sun goes down.

Sea of Thieves Riddles Guide (2024)


What is the hardest thing to beat in Sea of Thieves? ›

While the bosses will have a massive amount of health and can cause more damage depending on which type of boss, the final Boss in Lords Of The Sea will be included which is everyone's favorite ship The Flying Dutchman, As I'm sure many of you would agree that The Flying Dutchman could have taken more hits since this ...

What is the random riddle on the screen in Sea of Thieves? ›

The riddle shows up when things are changing in the world. It won't affect your game and you can get back to your adventures immediately!

What is the rarest chest in Sot? ›

The Box of Wondrous Secrets is one of the Treasure Chests in Sea of Thieves. It is the rarest Treasure in the game.

What is the most powerful creature in Sea of Thieves? ›

'Sea of Thieves' Kraken Guide: Finding and Battling the Deadliest Monster in the Ocean. The legendary Kraken is the deadliest enemy in "Sea of Thieves." Here's how to find the monster's location and kill it.

What is the rarest spawn in Sea of Thieves? ›

The Shrouded Ghost: Spawns extremely rarely, and it is known to be the rarest and hardest Megalodon to Kill. The grey variant which has an orange glowing fin.

What is the secret key in Sea of Thieves? ›

In the pool itself, under water just where the waterfall begins, you can find the Old Sailor's Key buried in the sand. Dive in and pick it up. Once you have the tutorial key, bring it back to the shipwreck you climbed up through. Fairly easy to spot is a trapdoor/hatch with a lock on it.

What is the most profitable thing to do in Sea of Thieves? ›

The Ashen Athena's Chest Voyage or the Skeleton Bounty Voyage(s) will have the highest average profit per minute — in other words, these will be the most lucrative when factoring in both net earned gold and the time taken to complete the voyage.”

What's the rarest fish in Sea of Thieves? ›

Each type of Islehopper, except the Rare Raven Islehopper, can only be found in the shores of specific Large Islands.

What is the most valuable thing in Sea of Thieves? ›

The Box of Wondrous Secrets is a large black box, tied-up with thick rope, with a large red wax seal and vivid yellow markings on its side. Selling this item will get the player 25,000 gold – a pretty hefty sum. This makes it one of the most valuable items in Sea of Thieves.

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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.